A woman practicing self-care. She's resting on a comfy chair, basking in the sun, and drinking tea.

Maria Korneeva / Moment via Getty Images

55 Inspiring Self-Care Quotes That’ll Fill Your Cup

Because taking time for yourself is always a good idea.

By Blake BakkilaSeptember 20, 2024


Self-care is often portrayed as face masks and bubble baths, but it’s so much more than that. Nurturing your relationship with yourself is fundamental to your mental and physical health, and it’s not always linear. And when you need an extra dose of motivation and encouragement, it can help to read self-care quotes that resonate with you.

There are real benefits to reading quotes about self-care. “Whatever we see or say to ourselves has an influence on our subconscious mind, which controls a lot of our behavior,” says Hannah Yang, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Balanced Awakening. “So, if we are choosing to expose ourselves to positive quotes, we are, in part, reprogramming our subconscious mind to act more in accordance with what we consciously desire.” 

Even your favorite fitness instructors rely on positive mantras to keep them going. For instance, Peloton instructor Ash Pryor remembers coming across this quote during the COVID-19 pandemic: “You grow in confidence when you keep the promises you made to yourself.”

“Anytime I find myself losing confidence or questioning anything I say this quote,” Ash says. “I also use it a lot in class. It’s like a check in: Did you keep the promise to be nice, the promise to try, the promise to get back up? It’s also a reminder to celebrate every effort.”

Ready for more inspiration? Ahead, find an array of self-care quotes from Peloton instructors, pro athletes, authors, poets, actors, and more. (And remember, you can also find an extra motivation boost in the thousands of classes available on the Peloton App.)

A happy man outside for a hike on a snowy day, practicing self-care.

AleksandarNakic / E+ via Getty Images

55 Encouraging Self-Care Quotes

  1. “I’ll audibly say, ‘Good job, Katie!’ as I get each task done. It reminds me of how my parents would encourage me as a child and helps me manage those long, stressful days.” —Peloton instructor Katie Wang

  2. “Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape.” ―bell hooks

  3. “Extreme self-care is serious business—so much more than taking warm baths, getting a massage, saying no, or setting new priorities. It’s about building self-esteem, becoming emotionally strong and empowered, and developing the kind of character that makes you decisive, clear, and honest about who you are and what you want.” —Cheryl Richardson

  4. “Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” ―Oprah Winfrey

  5. “Taking care of myself doesn’t mean ‘me first.’ It means ‘me, too.’” ―L.R. Knost

  6. “Enduring means accepting. Accepting things as they are and not as you would wish them to be, and then looking ahead, not behind.” —Rafael Nadal

  7. “Keep good company, read good books, love good things and cultivate soul and body as faithfully as you can.” ―Louisa May Alcott

  8. “Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you love.” ―Brené Brown 

  9. “Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” ―Princess Diana

  10. “Believe in yourself, and you’re halfway there.” —Peloton instructor Callie Gullickson

  11. “It’s okay to do nothing if you can once in a while. It’s okay to not be perfect, to not get it all done... take care of yourself. Do what recharges you.” ―Leah Remini

  12. “Exercise helps make my body strong enough to do what I set my heart and mind to. I carry myself differently when I feel strong. I’ve always worked out and been active, and it’s one of the ways I care for myself: along with meditation, baths, eating beautiful things that make me happy, being silent, and being with friends and family. Self-care is one of the active ways that I love myself. When you can and as you can, in ways that feel loving, make time and space for yourself.” —Tracee Ellis Ross 

  13. “We have so much to rush for, so many things to fix and problems to solve, with all of that happening I’m trying to remind myself of self-care every day…” —Jonathan Van Ness

  14. “I indulge in my coffee ritual. In between waiting for it to drip down, I stretch. I wake up my body and I breathe.” —Peloton instructor Jess King

  15. “Developing mindfulness tactics and employing them while training and racing was key to my success. By using goal visualization and positive self-talk to get through the difficult training sessions and long races, I was able to avoid burnout and stay mentally committed to my objectives.” —Hunter Kemper

  16. “I recognize that willpower is a finite and depletable resource, and I only have so much to give any one day. When I notice my willpower is getting low, I’ll try and press pause. I’ll reevaluate the rest of my day.” —Alexi Pappas

  17. “Unapologetically, I allow myself ‘me’ time, whether that’s a 10-minute mask or watching my coffee brew for five minutes.” —Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyin

  18. “My self-care is my morning routine. I don’t pick up my phone till I’m finished walking my dogs, feeding the dogs, meditating, journaling, making my coffee. You know, just having a nice clear head, and then I’ll go into the world, so to speak.” —Jennifer Aniston

  19. “Don’t compare your chapter one with someone else’s chapter six.” —Peloton instructor Ally Love

  20.  “I learned early on in my career that rest is just as important as the really hard workouts that I do.” —Allyson Felix

  21. “With our lives seemingly getting busier by the minute, think of your self-care routine as an opportunity to treat yourself with kindness, and spend those five, 10, 15 minutes checking in with your mind and your body.” —Sloane Stephens

  22. “I’m a firm believer in energy being contagious, so I often share in class that ‘Good energy attracts good people.’” —Peloton instructor Katie Wang

  23. “We are always taught to be these self-sufficient super humans—so much so that it’s difficult to have our own needs on our own radars. We are conditioned to be selfless, and when we do take the time to engage in self-care we are chided for being selfish. There seems to be no way to win. But we must. Or else we risk poor health (and all of the things associated with stress and existing in a constant state of being overwhelmed); we risk our sanity and mental well-being.” —Mirna Valerio

  24. “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious.  You get to choose how you use it.  You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” —Anna Taylor

  25. “Treat your body like someone you love.” —Peloton instructor Hannah Corbin

  26. “My friend...care for your psyche...know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.” —Socrates

  27. “If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” —Jack Kornfield

  28. “Self-care and wellness is about so much more than just doing a workout or drinking a green smoothie. It’s how you care for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.” —Amanda Kloots

  29. “Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners.” — William Shakespeare

  30. “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” ⁠—Audrey Hepburn

  31. “Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” —Rumi

  32. “You have to take care of your brain just like you take care of your body.” —A.J. Brown

  33. “You can’t hate yourself into change. Love yourself into greatness.” —Peloton instructor Emma Lovewell

  34. “Whenever I’m being hard on myself, [Peloton instructor] Ash Pryor and I like to tell each other, ‘Don’t talk about my friend like that!’ which is a nice reminder that you wouldn’t say disparaging things about your friends, so why would you say them about yourself?” —Peloton instructor Katie Wang

  35. “... I just treat myself like somebody I love.” —Padma Lakshmi

  36. “Self-care is really rooted in self-preservation, just like self-love is rooted in honesty. We have to start being more honest with what we need, and what we deserve, and start serving that to ourselves.” —Lizzo

  37. "We need wholesome self-care and we also need hoe-some self-care.” ―Peloton instructor Cody Rigsby

  38. “In order for something to feel really good and beneficial it usually takes some time. It’s easy to want to abandon ship when whatever we’re trying doesn’t immediately make us feel like the reason why we wanted to start doing it. But, when we begin something there’s a learning period that can be frustrating and uncomfy and that’s OK!” —Peloton instructor Anna Greenberg

  39. “I practice self-care in lots of ways. I like to work out, read, and watch my favorite comfort movies. Really anything that lets me relax and wind down is self-care to me.” —Natalia Bryant

  40. “Self-care equals success. You’re going to be more successful if you take care of yourself and you’re healthy.” —Beth Behrs

  41. “I try to think of the word self-care actually as a verb because I think people approach it as a noun, which is fine, but then I think it becomes something that’s static and also capitalized upon. It becomes over-worn if it is seen as this stoic, unmoving, unchanging thing that we don’t really participate in, but talk about. I try to make self-care an active part of my life, because I think it’s so easy in the type of industrialized society we live in, to reach burnout again and again and again. I’m always trying to explore and play with new ways for that.” —Amanda Gorman

  42. “Pay attention to what gratitude feels like.” —Peloton instructor Aditi Shah 

  43. “Self-care for me is about connecting daily with the people I love in my life, and staying in touch.” —Jake Gyllenhaal 

  44. “Self-care is not a waste of time. Self care makes your use of time more sustainable.” —Jackie Viramontez

  45. “Self-care is looked at as this luxurious thing, but when you replace it with soul care, these things become acts that you’re doing for the good of your soul.” —Peloton instructor Tunde Oyeneyin

  46. “Right now, the way I’m doing self-care is to go outside, even if it’s cold and especially if I don’t want to. I get some sun for at least five minutes, and if there’s no sun (because it’s been pretty cloudy where I am), I just get fresh air or some kind of light as I’m drinking my morning coffee.” —Eva Mendes

  47. “We can climb mountains with self-love.” —Samira Wiley

  48. “Treat yourself as you would treat others—and hopefully that’s with kindness, empathy and love.” —Peloton instructor Katie Wang

  49. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” —Arthur Ashe

  50. “You almost need to have a little emergency SOS pack of things that you know will make you feel better, like if you take yourself out of a certain situation, or know if you need to be off your phone for the next 24 hours—little self-care go-tos that you can whip out when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, fatigued, or angry.” —Iskra Lawrence

  51. “Your passion will propel you.” —Peloton instructor Alex Toussaint

  52. “If you are able to be kind to yourself, you’ll be more kind to others. And that will come straight back at you, which will stress you out less. You’ll look, feel, and be better, because you created a healthy, generous environment.” —Regé-Jean Page

  53. “Talking to ourselves from self-love and self-respect is a practice.” ―Brené Brown

  54. “Honor where you’ve been, embrace where you are, celebrate where you’re going.” —Peloton instructor Anna Greenberg

  55. “Self-care means saying ‘no’ sometimes.” —James Whiteside

A woman practicing self-care by meditating at home on a yoga mat in the sunlight.

Kobus Louw / E+ via Getty Images

How Can Self-Care Quotes Enrich Your Wellness Journey (and Daily Life)?

Embracing and prioritizing self-care will make a huge difference in your life, even if you’re not quite convinced it’ll work for you. Beyond the buzzword, self-care is strongly linked to your mental health and overall well-being. In fact, two of the tenets of self-care outlined by the National Institute of Mental Health are to “practice gratitude” and “focus on positivity”—both of which you can achieve by reviewing these quotes.

“Quotes can be used like a mantra, to set the tone of your day to a more positive one,” Yang says. “They can help you ‘fake it till you make it’ and nudge you into a better-feeling place.”

Consistency is key, too, so you should make reading these quotes a part of your self-care routine. Yang says that the more you reflect on them, the better you’ll feel.

“The impact just gets greater over time the more you focus on self-care quotes,” Yang says. “The more you expose yourself, and the longer you’re exposed, the more you’ll start to internalize the information and change your overall mindset.”

An additional strategy? Carving out some time for mindful movement. You can find similar mantras and quotes from Peloton instructors in thousands of guided classes, from a calming meditation class or heart-pumping HIIT ride, available in the Peloton App.


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This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.


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