How to Pick the Perfect Leaderboard Name
Need some creative inspiration? Follow this guide to come up with a username that’s guaranteed to get you high fives.
By Eric Arnold•
When our new Peloton Bike arrived, the first order of business wasn’t what I expected. Pick a Leaderboard name. Instantly, pressure to be creative set in. Then it hit me: EricTheEel.
The nickname was bestowed upon me more than a decade ago, when I worked at a winery in New Zealand and was completely out of my element. I was much like the original Eric the Eel, Eric Moussambani Malonga, the swimmer who’d never seen an Olympic-size pool yet represented Equatorial Guinea at the 2000 Games. Despite struggling through each of the 100 meters, Eric the Eel never gave up. Neither did I at the winery, so EricTheEel it had to be.
But what’s right for you? If a nickname doesn’t feel like a good fit, there are plenty of other areas to look for inspiration. We asked our Members to weighin on Instagram on the story behind their handles—and their advice can be your guide to crafting the perfect Leaderboard name.
Show Pride in What You Do
Whoever you are and whatever you do, chances are your work matters to somebody, somewhere. Consider Liz K., in Baltimore, who works as a lighting designer—so she’s LightingLiz. Or Ron W., who works in the wine industry with a tight-knit group of colleagues Ron calls his “wine entourage”—so he's Winentourage. (Ron came in third place in his company's recent Peloton spirit week ride.)
Highlight an Inspirational Moment
Is there a time or place at which you displayed a kind of courage you didn’t know you had? Julia M., who lives in Bear Valley, California, was out one day and came close to a bear. She is now, appropriately, RunFromTheBear. (Even though it was the bear who ran after Julia made eye contact.)
Pick Something “Motivational”
Exercise gives some an excuse to indulge in other pursuits. John B., in Austin, TX, for example, is SpinSforBBQ. Of course, there are plenty of Member permutations on the “spins for” concept, including beer, cheesesteaks, bagels, bacon, wine, you name it. Creativity points to Jenn H. in Rhode Island, who’s TapbackForTacos.
Pay Tribute to Someone Important
Perhaps someone in your life inspires or encourages you—your partner, a mentor or even your children, for whom you want to stay strong and healthy. Michelle D. in Memphis lives by her father’s mantra, GodsGotThis, from when he was fighting cancer. It’s her entire family’s words to live by now too.
Show You’re a Warrior
Some of us have to fight harder than others. John W. in Albany, New York, is WhimBeatCancer—a name which speaks for itself. And Dawn E., in Sandpoint, Idaho, who’s survived breast cancer and takes care of her husband with Parkinson’s, says she doesn’t let anything stand in her way. That’s why she’s UnDawnted.
Remember: While all these tips can help you think of the perfect Leaderboard name, don’t sweat it too much. You can always change your name later—and besides, the truly important thing is that you’re getting in a great workout.
You’ve got the perfect Leaderboard name. Now it’s time to count yourself in for a class on the Peloton App!

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