A man calmly sitting on the floor and meditating in his bedroom. Check out eight meditation tips in this article.

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8 Meditation Tips to Help You Feel Even More Comfortable with Your Practice

If meditation feels like a tough mountain to climb, or if you just want to improve your practice, these tips may help.

By Jessica MigalaFebruary 17, 2024


One of the greatest things about meditation is that it’s not something you can do poorly. While it can, of course, feel challenging to quiet your mind and sit with your breath sometimes, showing up is an accomplishment in itself. 

“There are no ‘bad meditators,’” confirms Peloton instructor Nico Sarani. “There are only those who practice and those who don’t.” 

But if you’re looking to take your practice to the next level, there are a handful of meditation tips that can help you feel more confident and comfortable along the way. Just like with any skill or sport, practice makes progress, and getting advice from professional instructors can help you get even more out of meditation. Read on for Nico’s biggest advice for how to feel more comfortable with meditating.

8 Meditation Tips to Improve Your Practice

Important note before we dive in: While the below meditation tips can help enrich your practice, know that they’re not a collection of “shoulds” or “you’re doing it wrongs.”’ Feel free to take what advice resonates with you and leave the rest behind.

Bearing that in mind, here are eight meditation tips that may help advance your practice, whether you’re a novice meditator or have been meditating for years:

1. Keep Going

Sticking with your practice, even when it feels challenging, is one of the most important meditation tips to keep in mind. “Meditation does get easier over time,” Nico says. “It’s like a muscle or doing a workout. The more often you practice, the stronger you’ll become, and the easier it will get.” 

Even if you have a not-so-great session today where your mind was flip-flopping all over the place or you kept peeking at the clock, that’s OK. Give yourself grace, remind yourself that it will be better tomorrow, and stick with it.

2. Recognize the Good

Meditating regularly creates intrinsic motivation to maintain the practice because the benefits will start to become obvious, Nico says. It’s a positive cycle you’ll probably be happy to find yourself in: The more you meditate, the more you notice it benefits you, which will make you want to meditate more.

Namely, you may become less reactive to stressors, noticing that things that may have set you off before—that person stealing your parking spot, an overwhelming work deadline, kids fighting—no longer set off a five-alarm stress response, research suggests. And having a more even, calm response will feel good: “Over time, you’ll see the positive impact meditation can have on your life, such as in your relationships, your ability to concentrate, and your overall behavior,” Nico explains. 

3. Find the Right Time in Your Day

If you’re struggling to quiet your mind during your practice, consider moving up your meditation sessions to right after getting out of bed, Nico suggests. “It’s easier to get into a meditative state when the mind is less active,” she says. After you wake up, you may be in a more fresh, blank-slate mindset in which you’re more likely to allow meditation in. 

That said, the time of day that you’re in your best headspace is different for everyone. What’s most important is that you meditate when you have a few moments to yourself when no one will bother you, Nico notes. “Creating a peaceful, undisturbed environment is so important to get into the right state of mind and makes it easier for yourself to stay concentrated,” she adds.

So if you have hectic mornings, for instance, you may be better suited to moving meditation to a quieter time, like before bed.

4. Try Shorter Meditations

Meditation is incredibly valuable, but a longer practice isn’t necessarily better, especially when you’re just starting. So while even a five-minute meditation can feel intimidating in the beginning, it’s a good place to start, Nico says. 

“It’s better to start small and gain confidence over time instead of setting the goal too high and feeling like a failure if you don’t hit the 20-minute mark right in the beginning,” she explains. “This may only lead to frustration and might discourage you to try again. Again, start small, get the ball rolling, and keep practicing.”

5. Accept Mind Wandering

At some point during meditation, your mind may take off. One minute you were honed in on your breath, and the next, you’re wondering if you took the chicken out of the freezer. That’s natural, and it’s totally OK. 

“It’s the nature of the mind to wander off and get entangled in all sorts of things,” Nico says. “Don’t ever beat yourself up if your thoughts run wild during your practice.” You can think about meditation as a practice in which your mind will wander—and all you need to do is gently guide your focus back to the present when you notice it. 

If you need help bringing your mind back to your meditation, it may help to treat your breathing as an anchor. “Our breath is the simplest tool we can use to focus and still our mind, and it’s always at hand,” Nico says. “Simply observe inhales and exhales, feeling your body breathing.”

A woman sitting in a chair at home and meditating. Her hands are on her chest, her eyes are closed, and her legs are in a criss-cross position. Learn eight meditation tips in this article.

Jamie Grill / Tetra Images via Getty Images

6. Change Your Seat if Needed

It’s possible to get distracted by the ache of a slumpy posture or a position that just doesn’t feel comfortable. If you don’t feel settled, Nico suggests taking the opportunity to adjust your posture

“You may feel very uncomfortable after a few minutes sitting cross-legged or kneeling,” Nico says. “You may experience discomfort even if you lie down or sit in a chair to practice.” If you notice any aches or pains, there’s no reason to push through those sensations. Take a moment to pause and get comfortable, and try to set yourself up in a supportive position before starting future meditations. Whether you’re sitting on the floor, propped up on a pillow, resting in a chair, or lying in bed, comfort is key for a good practice.

7. Bring Moments of Meditation into Your Day

Trying to stay present and mindful outside of formal meditation can also help you improve your practice, Nico says. This could look like “being fully present in a conversation, taking deep breaths, or simply enjoying a sunset or music with every cell of your body,” she notes. “All of this will help you when you sit down more ‘formally’ and practice specific meditation techniques.”

8. End on a High Note

Even if you encounter any not-so-great moments during your meditation session—whether that be constant distraction or challenging emotions that popped up—try to seal your practice on a positive note. 

“Personally, I like to end my meditation practice with a feeling of gratitude and joy that I connect to and fill my body with,” Nico says. If you were using an intention or mantra, consider writing it down so you can bring it into your day with you, she adds.

“I also think it’s a great idea to give yourself a few minutes after your practice before heading out into the world,” Nico says. “Sometimes meditations can leave us feeling slightly ‘spaced out’ (in a good way) or a little vulnerable, depending on what thoughts or emotions have come up during the practice—so just be mindful of that transition before you leave your space.”

All of these small gestures can help make meditation a positive experience so that you come back tomorrow and keep feeling more comfortable with your practice.

Meditation Classes to Heighten Your Practice

Remember, one of the best ways to feel more comfortable with meditation is with practice. The Peloton App is a great place to start or solidify a meditation routine with the help of professional instructors guiding you along. There are a variety of meditation classes to choose from to take your practice to the next level—peace meditations, calming meditations, energizing meditations, you name it—that are appropriate for all levels. 

You can choose the type of meditation you practice depending on what you need at the moment, whether that’s starting your day on a positive note with a morning meditation or falling asleep soundly with a relaxing sleep meditation. You can also filter classes by time and by instructor so that you curate the best meditation session for you. These tools and classes may help you feel more motivated to stick with your practice.

The Takeaway 

Starting a brand-new meditation practice can feel challenging at first, and that’s totally normal. If you’ve been trying meditation but find it difficult, there are a variety of meditation tips you can keep in mind, from trying short sessions to embracing mind wandering—all of which can enhance and improve your meditation journey. Above all, lean into what meditation brings to you: “A regular practice will have a ripple effect into all parts of your life, leading you to a more balanced, more conscious, and happier you,” Nico says.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.


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