The #8ampelomomcrew Tag Stands For Much More Than Just An 8 AM Class Together

The #8ampelomomcrew Tag Stands For Much More Than Just An 8 AM Class Together

A small but mighty mom Tag community is there for each other at 8 AM on the Leaderboard and 24/7 in daily life.

By PelotonUpdated May 7, 2021


If you’ve taken a Peloton class since our Tags feature launched in May 2020, no doubt you’ve heard Tags like #PelotonMoms and #WorkingMomsofPeloton shouted out by instructors during class. Those Tags have hundreds of thousands of Peloton Members in there, showing up on the Leaderboard to represent Peloton moms everywhere.

Also representing Peloton moms on the Leaderboard, many smaller Tags groups exist with tight-knit groups of mothers who may know each other in real life or may be connected virtually through group chats, social media and Peloton. These Members use Tags to create small but mighty communities on Peloton: They work out together, filter the Leaderboard to more easily find each other and give an encouraging high five, and see the classes other Members in the Tag have taken. Ultimately, these smaller Tags are an expression of community on the Peloton Leaderboard.

In a series of articles, we'll get to know several of these amazing Tag groups and how they use Peloton to build relationships and empower each other to show up as the best mothers (and expecting mothers) they can be. Although some of these mothers may have never met in real life, these Members have created wonderful and supportive communities to celebrate and honor each other on their fitness—and motherhood—journeys.

To start, meet the incredible #8ampelomomcrew.

How it started

The Tag #8ampelomomcrew started when Member Colleen O. and some of her teacher friends all had Bikes, so they made a promise to themselves to ride together at 8 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 30 or 45 minutes to start the day off right.

How it’s going

Around 25 Members are in the group now! What started as a small community of friends has since grown to friends of friends—and even someone who was welcomed into the group after an Instagram comment. They keep in touch via a WhatsApp group message, where they share workouts, create challenges for each other and support everyone in achieving their individual goals. Some Members heard about the group through a friend they know in real life, but have since made virtual connections with other Peloton Members along the way.

What it means to be a part of #8ampelomomcrew (other than taking a Peloton class at 8 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

1. Their community makes them more motivated to work out

Kristen G. said: “I’ve had my Peloton Bike for about three years now, and while I love it, I’ve had trouble with my consistency at times. Since we started the #8ampelomomcrew, I’ve shown up more regularly than ever before.”

Kristen B. said: “Whenever I lose motivation, I’ll see a post where someone in the group would recommend a specific ride or instructor, and I would just get on the Bike and ride. Anyone who rides and is a part of the Peloton family knows the more you ride, the better you feel—physically and mentally! Riding regularly means being a happy, healthy, energetic mom!”

2. They’re endlessly supportive

Lauren C. said: “We would high five each other up and down the Leaderboard and celebrate each other's successes at the end of the ride. What started as a group text to motivate and work out together turned into so much more. People began sharing healthy recipes, favorite rides, tips and celebrations as we achieved more and more goals though constant motivation and communication.”

They don’t need to know each other in real life in order to have a real sense of community

Lauren D. said: “Connecting with the group...has added to feeling connected to the Peloton community!”

Pia V. said: “My friend Tara immediately added me to the #8ampelomomcrew which I am so incredibly grateful for. While Tara was the only one I knew, I instantly made virtual connections with the ladies through accountability, lots of laughs and overall support.”

3. They talk about a lot more than just Peloton classes

Colleen G. said: “I have loved being a part of this group and having other people to talk to about working out goals and also, mom stresses. We are always there to help each other out. It has made me realize that I want to surround myself with positive mom influences and not the ones who want to bring you down. How having a motivational and energetic bunch of friends is so important, not just for me but for my kids.”

4. They love Bridgerton and Trader Joe’s almost as much as they love each other

Kristen R. said: “We talk about our workouts, share health tips and tricks and yummy smoothie recipes. We talk about how we often let go and live our life on the weekends by enjoying wine and ice cream. We talk about our favorite Trader Joe’s purchases, favorite Netflix shows—Bridgerton was a big hit! We all just love being in the group!”

5. It's a general motherhood support group

Lauren C. said: “This group is a sounding board for many mommy issues. Many of us have children the same age and are feeling the pressures of being present for the kids and also know the importance of making time for ourselves. The group has allowed us to laugh at the trials and tribulations that come with working full time and racing to also be "super moms"... Find the people that make you happy and make you feel good and stick with them. We can only be our best selves if we surround ourselves with others who bring out our best.”

6. Peloton impacts how they show up as moms in their own lives

Kate M. said: “When I carve out the time to get on the Bike (or do strength, yoga, meditation, etc.), I am a better mom. That is really it. I am kinder, more patient, energetic and happy. I was lucky to fall into this group and feel supported as I learn to become myself again. Because of Peloton, and #8ampelomomcrew, I am stronger, physically and emotionally, every day.”

Lauren C. said: “I replay words of encouragement from the instructors in challenging moments in my mind. I think, ‘I've already done something hard today, this next challenge won't stop me.’”

Alison L. said: “I think we all agree that making that time to focus on ourselves and feel good about ourselves for working so hard makes us all better for the most important little people in our lives.”

7. They inspire each other to push harder

Kat C. said: “We have owned our Peloton Bike since 2018 but I never cared about my output until my good friend, Kristin, invited me to ride with two of her friends last March. These ladies smoked me but it motivated me to ride more, get stronger and do better!”

Eileen T. said: “This group has motivated me and pushed me further than I would have ever imagined. It definitely reignited my competitive streak and it pays. My output numbers jumped significantly over this past year—and that’s because I am pushing myself outside my comfort zone. I see how others are improving and I want the same.”

8. They remind each other that self-care isn’t selfish

Ashley G. said “Peloton time in my house is very important. I tell myself that even on the busiest of days filled with hours of work and countless kid's sports, carpools, meals, homework, laundry and shopping, how can I NOT find at least 5 minutes for myself for a stretch or mediation? Most days are cycling, bootcamp, yoga or strength. I am totally hooked. I don't skip a day!”

Interested in starting your own Tag? The #8ampelomomcrew has some advice…

Colleen G, who first created the Tag, said: “Whether it is with just one friend or two, go ahead and start a routine and create a positive space for people to talk. You will see that you will get so much out of that and it will show in the way you talk about your group—which will naturally attract more people to it. Creating a space where it is all about cheering on one another and NOT about competition is so beneficial.”

Ready to join or create a Tag? Explore more Peloton Tags.

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