Personalized Plans Beta

How Peloton Creates Personalized Workout Plans Based On Your Goals

It's time to take the guesswork out of your training routine.

By Team PelotonUpdated January 21, 2025


When you’re trying to reach your fitness goals, it can feel overwhelming to know exactly where to start and the types of workouts that will help you get there. Now, Peloton can do the work for you by delivering personalized workout plans tailored specifically to your goals, factoring in everything from how much time you have to work out to your favorite instructors. Whether you want to get stronger or support weight goals, our latest feature will make it even easier to navigate our classes to reach your goals.

Released on Peloton Guide and in beta to select members in September 2024, personalized plans are now available to all App and All-Access Members in the US and Canada as part of our extended beta. This feature blends cutting-edge technology and top-notch personal training to deliver weekly workout suggestions customized for you. As you work through your weekly plans, you’ll get closer to achieving your long-term fitness goals. 

Learn more about this new feature, its benefits, and step-by-step instructions on how to get started.

What Are Peloton’s Personalized Plans?

Personalized Plans take the guesswork out of your workout routine, using machine learning to craft workout plans specifically based on your goals.

Combining in-house fitness experts’ knowledge with state-of-the-art technology that analyzes your class history (down to details like music and instructor), Peloton brings a well-rounded, customized training schedule to your App or Guide homepage each Monday morning. You set the parameters by deciding your fitness goal, how many days you want to train each week, for how long, and the activities you prefer.

The class combinations are dynamic, so you can take them in any order you want each week. If you’re not feeling the class recommended on that specific day, you have the option to skip it or swap it for another suggested alternative, which also count toward your goal. For Personalized Plans on the App, you can also take any class from the Library with a matching Class Type to receive credit. You’ll also see recommendations for optional active recovery classes to cap off your week.

How to Use Personalized Workout Plans

On the App

Open the Peloton App and look for the option on your homescreen to try it out. This feature is part of an extended beta, so more features will be available soon. From there, follow these step-by-step instructions to start using this feature. 

Peloton App Personalized Plans

1. Select a Fitness Goal.

Choose from one of two goals: Get Stronger or Support Weight Goals—our most frequently requested goals. (Don’t worry, there are more to come!)

2. Tell us Your Activity Preferences.

You can add strength training, indoor cycling, outdoor walking, treadmill walking, treadmill running, outdoor running, and rowing to your plan.

3. Choose How Many Days You Want to Work Out.

Select between one and seven days.

4. Pick Your Preferred Workout Duration.

Select 20-30 minute workouts, 45-60+ minute workouts, or any combination of the three.

5. Describe Your Experience Level.

Tell us whether you’re new to most exercises, already have the basics down, or are confident trying most workouts.

From there, we’ll complement that with what we know about you, like your music taste and favorite instructors, to build you a unique, personalized workout plan.

Access your weekly plan from the App homepage or on your Bike, Bike+, Tread, Tread+, or Row to see your daily workout recommendation.

On the Guide

All Peloton Guide users automatically have access to personalized workout plans. Navigate to your Guide homepage and select “Get Started” under “A weekly workout plan made for you” to kick off the onboarding process. (If you don’t see anything about these plans on your homepage, make sure you've updated your device with the latest software.) Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to start using this feature. 

Figma Prototype of Personalized Picks Home screen

1. Describe Your Current Routine.

This is your chance to shape the program and make sure it meets you where you are. Specify whether you’re new to working out, exercise but don’t lift, or strength train regularly. 

2. Choose How Many Days You Want to Strength Train.

Select between two and six days.

3. Select Bodyweight or Free Weights.

Choose whether or not you want your personalized workout plan to start with or without weights. If you’re new to strength training, don’t hesitate to opt for weight-free workouts. The Peloton Guide offers plenty of effective bodyweight classes, and they’re a fantastic way to perfect your form.

What Are the Benefits of Personalized Workout Plans?

Whether you’re brand new to exercise or you’ve been working out for years, Personalized Plans make it easy to build a routine and make progress towards your goals. Below, we unpack some of the benefits of following a personalized workout plan.

You’ll Propel Your Fitness Journey Forward

Following a plan can help you reach your goals faster—no matter where your starting point is. Without being pushed to advance to the next level, it’s tempting to remain in your comfort zone and repeat the same types of workouts over and over. But these weekly plans slowly introduce new classes into your routine, helping to ensure you don’t plateau. Having pros strategically diversify your weekly workouts also helps you avoid overloading one area of your body or doing workouts that aren’t the best fit for your goals.

You’ll Create a Consistent Routine

If you show up for a workout without a concrete game plan (aka “winging it”), your motivation can quickly falter. Peloton’s personalized workout plans make strength training less intimidating and provide the necessary resources to build a sustainable long-term routine.

For starters, they give you a clear idea of which workouts you’ll be doing throughout the week, so you’re able to plan ahead and carve out enough time in your schedule to complete them. Because you know the duration and focus of each workout, you’ll also show up feeling prepared. 

You’ll Discover New Workouts That Align with Your Preferences and Goals

When you find an instructor that gets you amped for your workouts, you might get into the habit of exclusively taking their classes. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it's a good idea to mix things up and try something new.

Because the Personalized Plans recommendation algorithm considers factors such as your top instructors, music preferences, and typical workout duration while putting together your weekly lineups, it’s likely to pick offerings that appeal to you, even if they aren’t classes you necessarily would’ve selected on your own. Who knows? Maybe your next plan will introduce you to your new favorite instructor or a completely different genre of music.

Get Started with Your First Personalized Plan

All Peloton App and Peloton Guide users can now get startedwith their first personalized workout plan. There’s no better way to balance your workout routine and kick off new habits!

*New App One or App+ Memberships only, starting at $12.99/mo after trial, unless canceled. Terms apply.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.


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