How Working From Home is Better with Peloton

How Working From Home is Better with Peloton

Stay on track while staying safe.

By Adina AnandUpdated March 18, 2020


Working from home can be a blessing or a curse, depending on what you make of it. At a time in which more and more of us will be turning the kitchen table into our office, the lines between work and life are likely to blur. For one, it’s up to you to manage your own time, but at home, you’ll be faced with distractions that can shatter your concentration. For another, there’s technically nothing stopping you from rolling out of bed and putting in a day’s work without ever changing out of your pajamas -- which sounds great, but probably isn’t the ideal situation for peak productivity or feeling your best.

Lucky for you, with access to the Peloton Bike, Tread, App, or some combination of the three, you have a ready-made solution to tackle working from home like a champ. However you’re feeling on any given day, log in to Peloton’s on demand library and choose your own adventure. Below, we’re breaking down three sample work-from-home routines structured around Peloton classes, whenever you choose to get after it.


Your alarm goes off, your feet hit the ground, and the day lies before you. How will you choose to begin? If you wake up raring to go, channel that energy before getting stuck into the day’s tasks and chase a new PR on a ride like Olivia’s 45 minute HIIT and Hills, or a run such as Jess’ 30 minute Hip Hop Fun Run. You’ll leave the workout feeling energized, and focused for the workday ahead--after showering and getting dressed for the day, what can’t you accomplish?

When your lunch break rolls around, you’re probably feeling a little tight from your AM workout, and maybe your attention has drifted to the pile of laundry yet to be put away. Re-center your focus and relax your muscles with a 10 minute Yoga Flow to open up your hips, or if you’re taking a working lunch, try a 10 minute Desk Yoga class. You’ll be all set to finish the day strong (and limber).

When the day is done and your morning PR feels a world away, tap into a 10 minute Sleep Meditation or pick up where you left off in the Power of Sleep meditation program. Drift off feeling proud of yourself and ready to do it all again tomorrow.


Does your energy peak a little later in the morning? Ease into your day and start as you mean to go on with a 20 minute Morning Yoga Flow. Tack it onto your routine, just like brushing your teeth, and set yourself up for success.

Once you’ve crossed off the items on your AM to-do list (thanks to the mental clarity you gained from your Yoga Flow), you deserve a break! By transforming the way you see your space, from office to gym and back again, it can help you to avoid feeling stuck or isolated. Reinvigorate yourself with a midday strength session like Oliver’s 20 minute Full Body Strength, or tap into your power with a 45 minute Core Bootcamp with Selena. Check, done. Now back to work!

When bedtime rolls around, you might still be buzzing from your workout. Before you hit the hay, cue up a gentle 10 minute Restorative Yoga class, then sleep easy.


If you prefer to get your sweat on after the sun goes down, that means you have something to look forward to all day long! To prepare your body for your workout yet to come and get the blood flowing before sitting down at your desk, tap into a 10 minute Foam Rolling class with Hannah.

When it’s time for lunch, your workout is mere hours away. Keep yourself on track by fueling your body with some nutritious food, then pump yourself up from the inside out with a 5 minute Energizing Meditation with Ross.

You close your laptop for the day, and your mind and body are prepped and ready to go. Who needs happy hour? Catch your friends on the Leaderboard with a fun on demand ride you all show up for, such as Cody’s 45 Minute Intervals & Arms. Sweat is always the reward at the end of a hard day’s work -- never the punishment!

The key to a fruitful work-from-home experience is to schedule your workouts into your calendar like you would do with any other meeting, then commit to showing up for yourself. We get it -- it’s easy to get off-task when working in the place that you live. But with Peloton classes there for you any time of day, you can curate the perfect routine to keep crushing your work and fitness goals, all from the comfort of your own home.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute individualized advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical evaluation, diagnosis, or treatment. Seek the advice of your physician for questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. If you are having a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.
