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10 min Basics: Sleep

10 min Basics: Sleep

Originally aired

Ross Rayburn


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Join Ross Rayburn in this 10-minute Peloton Meditation class, designed to help you achieve peaceful sleep. Ross's expert guidance, mixed with the calming tunes of the Alternative genre, aims to reveal a serene moment that effortlessly encourages sleep. This class invites beginners and veterans alike to explore the unique aspects of sleep meditations and wake up even more refreshed.

Subtitles: EN

Featuring music by

Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen


  • Sleep

    Richter: Dream 19 (pulse)

    Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen


  • Sleep

    Richter: Dream 19 (pulse)

    Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen

Class plan

  • meditation


    10 min

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