20 min Restorative
Erstmals ausgestrahlt am
Denis Morton
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Join Denis Morton for a 20 min Restorative yoga session. In restorative yoga, poses are held for longer periods, often using props to reduce effort. This class aims to cultivate relaxation and calm the nervous system. Enjoy the soothing sounds of classical music throughout the session. Feel restored by the end of this calming practice.
Untertitel: EN
- Yoga-Decke
- Yoga-Block
- Yoga-Kissen
- Yoga-Matte
Mit Musik von
Beautiful Chorus, Japanese Relaxation and Meditation, David Darling
Clear Day
David DarlingEmpower Your Mind
Japanese Relaxation and MeditationFaith's Hymn
Beautiful Chorus
Clear Day
David DarlingEmpower Your Mind
Japanese Relaxation and MeditationFaith's Hymn
Beautiful Chorus
Restorative Yoga