45 min Restorative
Originally aired
Chelsea Jackson Roberts
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Join Chelsea Jackson Roberts for 45 min Restorative. In this yoga flow class, we hold poses for longer amounts of time and use props to take some or all of the effort out of the poses. This class is designed to help you cultivate relaxation and calm the nervous system. Enjoy the soothing sounds of classical music as you move through the session. Feel restored by the end of the practice.
Subtitles: EN
- Yoga Blanket
- Yoga Block
- Bolster
- Yoga Mat
Featuring music by
Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen, Milo Graves
Sweet Night (Delta) Extended 40 Minute Mix
Milo GravesRichter: Dream 19 (pulse)
Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen
Sweet Night (Delta) Extended 40 Minute Mix
Milo GravesRichter: Dream 19 (pulse)
Max Richter, Ben Russell, Clarice Jensen
Class plan
Restorative Yoga