20 min 90s Walk
Originally aired
Jeffrey McEachern
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Join Jeffrey McEachern for the 20 min 90s Walk, an outdoor music walk that fits perfectly into your busy schedule. In just 20 minutes, you'll enjoy a fun workout set to pop music from the 90s. The class starts with a 4 minutes warm-up, followed by 15 minutes of walking, and concludes with a 1 minutes cool down. This class is an excellent way to get moving and enjoy some nostalgic tunes. Don't miss out on this enjoyable walk with Jeffrey.
Featuring music by
Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Cher, Spice Girls
Say You'll Be There
Spice GirlsEmotions
Mariah CareyI'll Be There for You (Theme From "Friends")
The Rembrandts
Say You'll Be There
Spice GirlsEmotions
Mariah CareyI'll Be There for You (Theme From "Friends")
The RembrandtsThe Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)
Class plan
Warm Up
Cool Down